How do local developments in eastern Ukraine influence the conflict? How can civil society organizations contribute to improve the security and the human rights situation in Donbass? What are the fresh developments in the course of the conflict? these and other questionswere discussed with the experts
Olexandra Dvoretska, lawyer and human rights activist; VOSTOK SOS (Kyiv)
Vyacheslav Likhachev, historian and human rights activists, expert on right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism; VOSTOK SOS (Kyiv)
Nikolaus von Twickel, journalist and expert on east Ukrainian „People’s Republics“ (Berlin)
Petr Pojman, Team4Ukraine, chairman, criminologist (Prague)
Denys Kazanskiy, blogger, expert on eastern Ukraine (Kyiv)
Moderator: Tim Bohse, DRA (Berlin)
The event was organised by DRA e.V., Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Team 4Ukraine Praha with support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.