Project news | Civicmonitoring Monitoring of human rights violations in eastern Ukraine Tue, 05 Mar 2019 09:13:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Project news | Civicmonitoring 32 32 Reflections from the seminar “Political, economic and social processes at non-government controlled areas of east Ukraine Tue, 05 Mar 2019 09:13:17 +0000 The conflict in Donbass is not only widely seen as underreported. Experts from different fields also have trouble finding accurate information about it. The event was co-organized by DRA eV, the German non-profit group focused on fostering civil society and...

The post Reflections from the seminar “Political, economic and social processes at non-government controlled areas of east Ukraine first appeared on Civicmonitoring.]]>
Discussion in Prague: Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Donbas Tue, 20 Nov 2018 12:22:46 +0000 How do local developments in eastern Ukraine influence the conflict? How can civil society organizations contribute to improve the security and the human rights situation in Donbass? What are the fresh developments in the course of the conflict? these and...

The post Discussion in Prague: Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Donbas first appeared on Civicmonitoring.]]>